What nutrition and veterinary care will the puppies receive before they are sent home?
I'm looking for an adult Goldendoodle. Do you ever have any available?
Does it make a difference which parent is the Golden Retriever and which is the Poodle?
What does a Goldendoodle look like?
Please take a moment to look through our Doodle Gallery. Many of our owners have sent us photos, and we have included the names of the parents with each pup's page so that you might be able to see examples of pups from that family line.
We currently have one adult Goldendoodle on the premises, and we can make an appointment for you to meet her, as well as our other dogs.
There are also quite a few pictures of adult Goldendoodles on the internet. You can find several custom home pages for owners at www.Goldendoodles.com. Please keep in mind that some of those puppies are F1 or first generation, and some are F1B or multi-generation. Most of our puppies are F1 and have moderately wavy coats. Back to Top
Why would someone choose a Goldendoodle over a purebred?
The most salient feature of the Goldendoodle is that they have the Golden Retriever’s desire to please, combined with the Standard Poodle’s intelligence. As a result, they quickly and happily learn what their owner desires of them.
With any cross-breed (including the Goldendoodle), you have the benefits of a more diverse gene pool, greatly reducing the chances that your dog will suffer from a recessive illness. With a designer cross-breed, this principle (called "hybrid vigor") combined with the selection of healthy members of the parent breeds (Golden Retrievers and Standard Poodles) produces the best of both worlds.
As a result, a mixed breed such as the Goldendoodle is healthier than the average pure-bred dog. They are much less prone to the inherited weaknesses of either parent breed. Many of our customers have come to us for this reason, having experienced the heartbreak of losing a beloved purebred pet to cancer, hip dysplasia, or other inherited illnesses. Back to Top
Isn’t a Goldendoodle just a mutt?
Of course not. A "mutt" is a term (whether used affectionately or pejoratively) referring to dogs of mixed-breed heritage where the contributing breeds are unknown (or guessed at based on certain physical traits). Until the dog is grown, it remains unknown what size, look, or personality traits it has inherited. There is nothing wrong with a mutt; in fact, we have had several rescue mutts in our home over the years.
You will hear others denounce various intentional cross-breeds as mutts, usually making the emotional and uninformed statement that intentionally producing mixed-breed puppies is “renegade”, claiming that the results are "unpredictable" or "irresponsible" because there are many mutts available at the pound. These statements are obviously made by those who are uninformed about the goals of cross-breeding.
Some families (including us) adore their adopted mutts and enjoy the surprises that come with getting to know them. We fully support all families that are able to make a decision to adopt an orphan dog from the shelter. To do so is clearly a blessing to the dog and, in most cases, a blessing for the family. We also understand that not all families are in a circumstance to adopt without a known background, as they cannot or choose not to take the risks associated with the unknown because they have small children, allergies, or a lifestyle that doesn’t allow for the time necessary to rehabilitate an animal with an unknown history. Back to Top
How large will a Goldendoodle get?
In general, Our Goldendoodles range in size from 55 to 65 pounds. Our Golden Retrievers are athletic and compact, ranging from 55-75 pounds, and the poodles we breed to are tall.
Keep in mind that females are, on average, 5-8 pounds lighter than males, but there are certainly individual females that are on the larger side and individual males that are smaller. Back to Top
Is a larger dog harder to handle?
We don’t believe so. Our dogs are incredibly calm and easily trained. Most people have seen the dog that jumps and takes its owner for a walk. While larger breeds are generally stronger, this behavior has everything to do with training from as early as 5 weeks of age. We begin to shape our dogs at this age, reinforcing good behavior (attention, calmness, affection, etc.) and ignoring bad behavior (jumping, biting, excessive barking) so that they know what humans expect from them. Our experience has shown us that a consistently trained 100-pound dog will be easier to handle than an unruly 40-pound dog. Back to Top
What is F1, F1B, F2, etc. mean? What does Standard mean?
F1 refers to Goldendoodles that result from the breeding of a full-bred Golden Retriever and a full-bred Standard Poodle. F1B refers to the puppy born of a Standard Poodle and an F1 Goldendoodle. We breed both F1 and F1b Standard Goldendoodles.
The standard refers to Goldendoodles bred with Standard Poodles.
F2 is a pairing of an F1 Goldendoodle with another F1 Goldendoodle.
We currently breed both F1 and F1b Standard Goldendoodles but will be adding F2 Goldendoodles to our lines in 2023. Back to Top
About our puppies and dogs:
What sort of dogs do you use to breed your Goldendoodles?
All of our Goldendoodles are bred using high-quality AKC purebred Golden Retrievers and Standard Poodles. All of our dams are currently Golden Retrievers and a couple of female Standard Goldendoodles. For specific pedigrees, please go to the dog's individual page and click the blue link with their formal name and AKC number. Back to Top
What health testing do you put your dogs through?
All of our breeding dogs are DNA tested through Wisdom Panel, the premier DNA testing facility, and repository in both North America and the UK. We DNA test for over 172 diseases and mutations in our dogs before breeding to ensure, as best we can, the healthiest puppies possible.
All of our breeding dogs are screened for Hip and Elbow dysplasia via OFA or Penn-Hip style X-rays. We also screen for hereditary eye problems through CERF examinations. Additionally, they are certified through OFA for cardiac and thyroid health. For more details on OFA certifications, please visit www.OFFA.org.
All of our hired studs have also received their OFA hip and CERF eye exams. Some of the studs we've hired have additional examinations, depending on the breeder we've contracted with.
In addition, we stay in contact with the breeders and owners of the parents (and sometimes grandparents) of our dogs to follow up on their continued health and potential breeding considerations. For the specifics on a particular dog, please go to their individual page and click the blue link with their formal name and AKC number. Back to Top
Do we allow visitors?
Visiting any breeder is a tricky thing. Puppies at such a young age are so susceptible to disease and illness that even the slightest chance of something like Parvo being transferred into the breeding location can devastate not only one litter but the entire breeding operation.
However, we also understand the need and desire to meet your breeder before you work with them. To be able to meet some of the dogs that are used for breeding.
In order to allow visitors, visitation is done by appointment only. Typically weekends are best but other options are available. Back to Top
What nutrition and veterinary care will the puppies receive before they are sent home?
Our dams are fed high-quality foods and supplements from Life's Abundance for the puppies in utero. Once the puppies are about four weeks old, we begin supplemental feeding with soft puppy foods as well.
Many breeders de-worm their puppies several times before going home. Although puppies can contract worms from the environment, in most cases, worms are contracted via the mother's milk. Because deworming is very hard on their young intestines, the best defense for parasites is prevention. Our dams are cleared for parasites (worms) before conception, and dewormed again after the puppies are born. This helps to minimize the possibility of parasites in the puppies and the need for harsh treatments before 5 weeks of age. If puppies are symptomatic for worms, we will, of course, treat them immediately, but we have found prevention to be the most useful. They are wormed after they are weaned, minimizing the possibility of re-infection and maximizing the deworming process. This prepares them to make the best use of the following vaccinations.
Our puppies receive their first vaccinations before they are released to go home. We time this to be between weeks 7 and 8 but always after the puppies are weaned so that the injected antibodies do not compete with the maternal antibodies.
How long before the puppies can go home?
We typically keep our puppies until eight weeks of age. Goldendoodles mature faster than Golden Retrievers. Much like Standard Poodles, they are ready to bond and learn about new environments by 6-7 weeks. However, we cannot release them until they have been weaned enough to receive their first set of shots. This makes it possible for their immune system to make the best use of the injected antibodies. Our litters are also quarantined away from other dogs until then. CA law states that puppies must be 8 weeks of age before being released. Back to Top
Can you keep my puppy a little longer?
On some occasions, we may be able to keep your puppy for an extended short period. If the timing does not work for pickup on the original date, as long as we have the room, we can hold on to your pup. The final balance must be paid in full, however, before the original pickup date. At that point, the puppy is considered to be boarded, and we do charge a $50 per day boarding fee. Back to Top
How much do your puppies cost? What does that include?
Our first-generation (F1) puppies and second-generation (F1B) puppies vary in price due to many factors. Please use the Contact-Us page to get the latest pricing.
The first week after leaving us, your puppy is covered for life-threatening illnesses such as parvo. After the first week, all of our puppies go home with a 2-year health guarantee that covers life-threatening illnesses, genetic issues, and hip dysplasia for the next 24 months. Other genetic issues are also covered and listed in the health guarantee. If you use the food(s) I recommend for the first 3 years, the health guarantee is extended to 3 years. Please feel free to contact us for a copy of our puppy contract and health guarantee.
Our puppies also go home with a microchip already implanted and the first of their puppy vaccinations already completed.
We take a $500 deposit (Refundable with a $250 cancellation fee) for a priority wait-list (waitlist policy) reservation, with the balance due at delivery. Please note that final payments need to be in cash or cashier's check. Back to Top
Do I have to spay/neuter my puppy?
Yes, Because of CA state law, we are required to add a commitment to spay/neuter your pet as part of our contract.
(a) It will make your life easier by eliminating the behavior patterns that accompany a sexually mature dog;
(b) it will reduce the chances of your dog being attacked by a same-sex competitor;
(c) it will protect against the possibility of your dog developing reproductive cancer, which is not uncommon;
(d) it will eliminate the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy that could result in puppies that suffer from an inherited condition from an uninformed pairing. (Again, wouldn’t it just break your heart if your dog had puppies all developed a painful condition?);
(e) it ensures that your dog does not run away to seek a mate, possibly resulting is his or her injury or death; and
(f) last but equally important, fixing your dog is a conscientious good deed that reduces the number of unwanted puppies, therefore honoring and valuing the heroic efforts of the volunteers who donate countless hours and dollars to rescue and rehabilitate ill and neglected animals from local shelters. Back to Top
Will my puppy need grooming?
Yes, because Goldendoodles don’t shed, they need “haircuts.” This can be done by your local groomer or can be done at home with some practice. Goldendoodles also need to have the hair in their ears trimmed, and the ears themselves cleaned regularly to prevent ear infections. We also recommend regular toenail clipping.
There are many different styles of grooming for Goldendoodles. It is often difficult to describe exactly what you want from your groomer, so we recommend that you bring your groomer a photo of a Goldendoodle with the haircut you prefer. Back to Top
Are your puppies hypoallergenic?
Almost all of our F1 puppies are non-shedding and hypo-allergenic. There are a handful of pups that may experience temporary shedding in the following conditions: sudden weather changes, frequent swims in a chlorinated pool, or transition from puppy to adult coat. Additional factors that could affect the coat negatively are low-quality nutrition or advanced age.
Even so, this temporary shedding is short-lived and significantly less than that of other shedding breeds. Keep in mind that while many first-generation Goldendoodles are hypo-allergenic, there is no such thing as allergen-free. Some people with severe allergies will still react to a full Poodle. Back to Top
I'm looking for an adult Goldendoodle. Do you ever have any available?
It's highly unusual for us to have an older puppy left over or to have a puppy need a new home once it's gone home with a family, so it is highly unusual for us to have older puppies or adults available. We do get many requests for adults, and we're happy to receive requests, but please understand that we are not likely to be able to fill these requests. You may want to check with The International Doodle Owners Group (www.IDOG.biz) for doodle rescue opportunities or your local rescue for an adult dog that might meet your needs. Back to Top
Does it make a difference which parent is the Golden Retriever and which is the Poodle?
Over the last few years, we've had a variety of sires and dams from the same Poodle lineage, as well as sires and dams from the same Golden Retriever lineage. We've noticed the the look of the puppies follows the lineage (not the gender) of the parent.
Concerning personality, we find that our Goldendoodles are very consistently calm and good-natured. We credit this to the calm nature of our parent dogs, the hours of hands-on care the puppies receive, and the home environment in which each litter is raised. Back to Top
Do you breed mini-Goldendoodles?
No, we do not. Mini-goldendoodles are created using miniature or toy poodles. We are limiting our expertise to one variety of Goldendoodle and the two pure breeds involved. Unfortunately, we are not personally familiar with mini-Goldendoodles. We recommend that you contact www.Goldendoodles.com for referrals in your area. Back to Top
Do you sell puppies for breeding?
Breeding Goldendoodles is a complicated and expensive process to do correctly. Breeding requires elaborate tests and research back several generations. Without an informed pairing, there is some risk that undesirable traits (such as his dysplasia or a vulnerability to cancer) could reappear. So no, we will not consider releasing our dogs for breeding stock without establishing a relationship with your breeding program, reviewing your breeding practices, and your past breeding results. Back to Top
Will you ship puppies?
We do not have the facilities and manpower available to transport puppies to you by air. If flight is necessary, we prefer that the puppy travels home with you aboard the passenger compartment, where he/she can be attended to if needed. We understand that this is an added expense, but it will keep your beloved puppy from potentially having a physically or emotionally traumatic experience that could result in a lifetime of problematic behavior.
Besides, we prefer to match puppies with their families in person. This gives you a chance to experience the "chemistry" between you and each of the puppies you are considering (including your future puppy!). Back to Top
